Fresh installation of root 5 does not read Delphes output files classes

I’m sorry but what do you mean by the corresponding library?

I am getting this after running the .C file and calling the file inside the interface:

Warning in <TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck>:
   The StreamerInfo of class Track read from file /lstore/titan/atlas/emogollon/MG5_aMC_v3_1_1/bin/mediator_production_14tev_no_decay/dm_simp_mass0gev_spin_1_minus_dileptonic/Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_events_delphes_card_ATLAS.root
   has the same version (=3) as the active class but a different checksum.
   You should update the version to ClassDef(Track,4).
   Do not try to write objects with the current class definition,
   the files will not be readable.
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float C; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Mass; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float EtaOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float PhiOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float T; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float X; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Y; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Z; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float TOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float XOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float YOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ZOuter; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Xd; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Yd; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Zd; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float L; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float D0; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float DZ; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float Nclusters; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float dNdx; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorP; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorPT; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorPhi; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorCtgTheta; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorT; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorD0; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorDZ; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorC; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorD0Phi; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorD0C; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorD0DZ; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorD0CtgTheta; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorPhiC; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorPhiDZ; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorPhiCtgTheta; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorCDZ; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorCCtgTheta; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   float ErrorDZCtgTheta; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   TRef Particle; //
Warning in <TStreamerInfo::CompareContent>: The following data member of
the in-memory layout version 3 of class 'Track' is missing from
the on-file layout version 3:
   int VertexIndex; //

Thanks in advance