Extract entries with vector type branches

Thanks for you reply

by just using result=tree.mybranch I get the data from my branch and np.array(result) I get the numpy array. other stuff are just changing the format of the array.

I tried to used SetBranchAddress as it’s used in this thread ,second post (Locate like command) but it doesnt return the vector , just a single value !

The second issue is that the copying to the numpy array if done through the python interface, has a lot of overhead for each entry call: the iteration (in order to be generic) goes through the begin()/end() iteration thus has calls for each lookup, rather than simply accessing the memory directly as can be done for a vector when the size of its elements is known.

Can you provide me with an example to see how should I do that?

With PyPy/cppyy, and in particularly Cling, it’s different matter: with a real compiler in the back, a helper can be generated for the std::vector at hand.
