Expanding or filtering array in TTree

Yes. You are right. Any idea how I can do the cut and obtaining a new TTree? Or is this impossible?

Never mind. Thank you anyway for your support.

You try to change the internal structure of the tree (going from a “table” to a “variable”), so no simple “CopyTree” will do the job.

Ok. I understand. Is it possible to get a TTree back from a TEventList (since TTree::Draw is capable of storing its result in such a structure)?

I think TEventList will return the list of tree entries (so again, whole events, like “CopyTree”).
I guess you might be interested in “How to obtain more info from TTree::Draw” in the TTree::Draw method description.

Ok, it seems to be unavoidable to iterate the tree manually and copy all leafs into a new tree. Thank you for your patience.

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