Errors in remote client reading of TTree from TFile via xrootd while simultaneously updating TTree on server

Reading from a TFile is that is being written to is supported to some extent.

/// Read the linked list of keys.
/// Every directory has a linked list (fKeys). This linked list has been
/// written on the file via WriteKeys as a single data record.
/// It is interesting to call this function in the following situation.
/// Assume another process1 is connecting this directory in Update mode
///   - Process1 is adding/updating objects in this directory
///   - You want to see the latest status from process1.
/// Example Process1:
/// ~~~{.cpp}
/// obj1.Write();
/// obj2.Write();
/// gDirectory->SaveSelf();
/// ~~~
/// Example Process2:
/// ~~~{.cpp}
/// gDirectory->ReadKeys();
/// obj1->Draw();
/// ~~~
/// This is an efficient way (without opening/closing files) to view
/// the latest updates of a file being modified by another process
/// as it is typically the case in a data acquisition system.

Now it is likely that this has not been stressed test where the writing frequency is high compared to the reading speed.