Difference of convergence for Minuit2 between a portable and a server

Hi Lorenzo,

We are in the process of using root-minuit2-6.24.06-2.fc34.x86_64.

As for the verbose option, just let me know what to code and the output you may wish to see (I do not code, I check the outputs :frowning: )


Hi Lorenzo,

Same output with the new disrib with edm > 0.1. We need to know how verbose we need to be.



Can you please attach the full log you have now, and to get more verbose increase the print level to level 2 or to 3. Are you using the MInuit2Minimizer interface ? If yes, you need to just call Minuit2Minimizer::SetPrintLevel(3)


This is what we use in the *.cpp

MnPrint print;

Is that suffiicient?


And the file of the output with SetLevel(5)


output_file.txt (1.3 MB)

Hi all,
So using the fedora build is ok, and giving identical result than the compiled old one.
On the server, the build looks ok, but then executing seg fault on MnPrint print;

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00005555555758c3 in std::enable_if<std::_and<std::_not<std::__is_tuple_like >, std::is_move_constructible, std::is_move_assignable >::value, void>::type std::swap(int&, int&) ()
(gdb) where
#0 0x00005555555758c3 in std::enable_if<std::_and<std::_not<std::__is_tuple_like >, std::is_move_constructible, std::is_move_assignable >::value, void>::type std::swap(int&, int&) ()
#1 0x00005555555731c4 in ROOT::Minuit2::MnPrint::SetLevel(int) ()
#2 0x00005555555646b0 in minimize_minimize () at /home/cmercier/progfit_sol1/progfit/src/minimize.cpp:112

Am i not using this properly ?
(EDIT: probably becuse any calls segfault, if I comment the print the next call seg fault)
#0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#1 0x00005555555710e8 in ROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication::operator()(unsigned int, double) ()
#2 0x00005555555646d4 in minimize_minimize () at /home/cmercier/progfit_sol1/progfit/src/minimize.cpp:114

There is probably something wrong in using the right library. Which version are you using it ?
The log seems to indicate you are using an older version.

In the latest version, for setting a debug level in all Minuit2 you should do:


see ROOT: ROOT::Minuit2::MnPrint Class Reference


Hi Lorenzo,

Here is the full output of the code with the latest Minuit2 version. We still have edm>0.1 but I guess it also use the fractional change of the covariance for stopping.

The version is clone last-stable: 6.24.6

Nextcloud (12.3 Mb)

Just let us know. Thanks,


Thank you for the log file. It is true the elm is corrected using the fractional change in the covariance matrix, but this correction seems to be small.
Unfortunatly, I realise now there is a small issue in the printing logic, that makes the message that I was looking (from the VariableMetricBuilder class for not printed.
Can you please just shows me the code on how are you calling the minimization ? Are you using the MnApplication class ?



Hi Lorenzo,

Here is the code. Just let us know (and flame us at will…)


#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>

#include <Minuit2/FunctionMinimum.h>
#include <Minuit2/MnUserParameterState.h>
#include <Minuit2/MnPrint.h>
#include <Minuit2/MnMinimize.h> // use this one for migrad followed by simplex
#include <Minuit2/MnMigrad.h>  // use this one for migrad
#include "MMinzer.h"
#include "LikeliAllFcn.h"
#include "LikeliBgFcn.h"
#include "FittedParams.h"

/** namespace ROOT For ROOT software. */
/** namespace ROOT::Minuit2 For the Minuit2 minimizer. */
using namespace ROOT::Minuit2;

static MN2::FCNBase* fcn;

static double* xopt;
static double* err;
static double fopt;
static size_t dim;
static MnUserParameters upar;
static const Fixedness* ffix;
static char** names;
static size_t nvars;

static void minimize_alloc(size_t n)
  dim = n;
  xopt = new double[n];
  err = new double[n];
  names = new char*[n];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
    names[i] = new char[32]; // 32 to prevent compiler warnings
    if(i < NBG_MEMBERS) sprintf(names[i],"BG%ld",i);
    else if (i >= OFF_SPLITTINGS && i < (OFF_SPLITTINGS + NSPLITTINGS) ) sprintf(names[i],"SP%ld",i);
    else if (i == OFF_ANGLES && i <(OFF_ANGLES + NANGLES) ) sprintf(names[i],"AN%ld",i);
    else {
      int freq = (i-OFFSET)/12;
      sprintf(names[i],"%d_%ld", freq, i);

static void minimize_free()
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    delete [] names[i];
  delete [] names;

  delete [] err;
  delete [] xopt;
  delete fcn;

static void minimize_set(MMinzerMode mode,
		       const double* x0,
		       const Lklhd_Parms* other,
		       const Fixedness* fx,
		       double epsrel)
  if (mode == MM_BACKGROUND)
    fcn = new LikeliBgFcn(other);
    fcn = new LikeliAllFcn(other);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
    upar.Add(names[i], x0[i], epsrel * x0[i]);
  ffix = fx;

static bool minimize_minimize() 
  MnMinimize minimize(*fcn, upar);
  MnMigrad minimize(*fcn, upar);

  const int* posfixed = ffix->posfixed;
  int nfixed = ffix->fixed;

  for (int i = 0; i < nfixed; i++) {

  // show all parameter free , making TA believe wrong things
  //  std::cerr << "Parameters before minimizing: " << upar << std::endl;
  // keep this comments - if needed to free or fix one param
  // minimize.Fix(10);
  // minimize.Release(10);

  FunctionMinimum min = minimize(100000, 100); // (max calls, tolerance)

  const MnUserParameterState& params = min.UserState();

  nvars = params.Parameters().VariableParameters();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    xopt[i] = params.Value(i);
    err[i] = params.Error(i);
  fopt = min.Fval(); // minimum value

  std::cerr << "MnUserParameterState .CovarianceStatus() " << std::endl;
  std::cerr << params.CovarianceStatus() <<  std::endl;
  std::cerr << "Fonction minimum " << std::endl;
  std::cerr << min << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "-----------------" << std::endl;
  // check MnPrint.cxx to know what may be printed 
  std::cerr <<  "Valid         : " << (min.IsValid() ? "yes" : "NO") <<  std::endl;
  std::cerr <<  "Function calls: " << min.NFcn() <<  std::endl;
  std::cerr <<  "Minimum value : " << min.Fval() <<  std::endl;
  std::cerr <<  "Edm           : " << min.Edm()  << std::endl;
  std::cerr <<  "Internal parameters: " << min.Parameters().Vec()  << std::endl;

  if (min.HasValidCovariance())
     std::cerr << "\n  Internal covariance matrix: " << min.Error().Matrix();

  std::cerr << "External parameters: " << min.UserParameters() << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "GlocalCC: " << min.UserState().GlobalCC() << std::endl;

  if (!min.IsValid()) {
    std::cerr << "\n  FunctionMinimum is invalid:"  << std::endl; 
    if (!min.State().IsValid()) std::cerr << "State is invalid"  << std::endl;;
    if (min.IsAboveMaxEdm())    std::cerr << "Edm is above max"  << std::endl;;
    if (min.HasReachedCallLimit())  std::cerr << "Reached call limit"  << std::endl;
  if (min.HasMadePosDefCovar() ) std::cerr << "Covar was made pos def" << std::endl;
  if (min.HasAccurateCovar()) std::cerr << "HasAccurateCovar" << std::endl;
  return (min.IsValid());


double* minimize_x_ary()
  return xopt;

double* minimize_errors()
  return err;

static size_t minimize_num_vars()
  return nvars;

static char** minimize_parmnames()
  return names;

static double minimize_fmin()
  return fopt;

static const MMinzer_t MMinzer_type = {

const MMinzer_t* MMinzer = &MMinzer_type;

Hi Lorenzo,

We also sent you an e-mail with a private access to our Git.

Thanking you in advance,


Thanks for sharing the code. It is clear now to me, the actual tolerance used in the VariableMetricMinimizer (Migrad) is scaled by 0.002. The value you pass in MnMigrad is 100 so the actual tolerance used is 0.2, and what you get then makes sense.
You can decrease then this value if you prefer a smaller tolerance.

You can get a better printout by enable debug only for the VariableMatricBuilder

FunctionMinimum min = minimize(100000, 100); // (max calls, tolerance)



Hi Lorenzo,

This is where we get confused because we had that in the past, with a different option for the logging (providing VariableMetric), it must have been with an older version of Minuit2:

VariableMetric: start iterating until Edm is < 0.1
VariableMetric: Initial state   - FCN =  -524640.6092162 Edm =      1703.33 NCalls =   4153
VariableMetric: Iteration #   1 - FCN =  -525582.0514543 Edm =      561.556 NCalls =   4644
VariableMetric: Iteration #   2 - FCN =  -525784.2195521 Edm =      54.3211 NCalls =   5092
VariableMetric: Iteration # 136 - FCN =  -525963.8532168 Edm =       1.2574 NCalls =  62028
VariableMetric: Iteration # 137 - FCN =  -525963.8741607 Edm =     0.163729 NCalls =  62445
MnUserParameterState .CovarianceStatus() 
Fonction minimum 

Minuit did successfully converge.
Number of function calls: 62456
minimum function Value: -525963.8741607
minimum edm: 0.1637290464275

And this is the same output as the file with the extensive output that we provided yesterday.

So it is edm<0.1 or edm<0.2 ?

Sorry for bothering you.



In addition, I am even more confused by the Minuit2 manual which gives me an edm of 0.1 if the tolerance is 100. Confusion will be my epitaph…


@moneta Could you please show exactly where this “0.002” scaling comes from. Is this value related to “log-likelihood” (i.e., it would be “0.001” for “chi^2”)?

Update: unconditional “edmval *= 0.002;” scaling happens in the “VariableMetricBuilder::Minimum” method.

This scaling value is arbitrary, it defines the minimum tolerance for the edm to stop the minimization iteration. The critical edm value is 0.002*input_tolerance*Up, where input tolerance is the value provided by the user and Up is another scaling factor = 1 for chi-square minimization and 0.5 for likelihood. Default value is 1
I think in the old version there was a bug and it is corrected in the new version.
Historically a value of 0.002 is used to have exactly the same critical edm values between TMinuit and Minuit2 given the same input tolerance.
The manual has not been fixed and it should be corrected.
Thank you for pointing to this.
In conclusion if you are using a tolerance =100 and a default Up=1, your minimization will stop for edm value < 0.2



1 Like

Thanks both.
So it explains our constant confusion about the edm stopping value. One problem solved at at a time.

Ok thanks !


I did not succeed to minimize.Minimizer().SetPrintLevel(3);
It says: class ROOT::Minuit2::ModularFunctionMinimizer » has no member named « SetPrintLevel »
As I already spent 1 full day if yu coud help.
(but the good part is I made a lot of cleaning on this code)

Apologies, I made a mistake in the code before,
it should be:


and doing this you should see the debug message from the VariableMetricBuilder class, which performs the minimization iterations.



Thanks, I would I find it if I was better in C++ :slightly_smiling_face: