Difference between branches

TTree::LoadTree would return -2 and the entry should be entirely skipped.

@pcanal There is no “external event loop”. Just “t ->Draw(...)”, so the question is what will happen in this method.

@faca87 So, you now have several “suspicious” entries, which you need to inspect carefully (i.e., the main tree “t” and the corresponding entries in the friend “te” tree).

See ROOT: tree/treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx Source File line 2293

What should I do?

@pcanal So, from this piece of code, I assume such entries will automatically be “rejected” / “dumped”.

Actually, do you maybe know how to print “friend columns” here:
t->Scan("*", "..."); // prints only "t" columns but we also need the corresponding "te" columns

Actually, do you maybe know how to print “friend columns” here:

You have to explicitly name them (the wildcard implementation looks only in the main tree).

@faca87 So, you need something like this:

t->Scan("B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleKinEn:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleKinEn:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleTrackEvenID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleTrackEventID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleEventID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleEventID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleParentID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleParentID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleTrackID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleTrackID", "B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleKinEn - B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleKinEn < -0.5");

Actually. maybe this works better (entry numbers come from your previous “Scan” output):

std::cout << "\n"; t->GetEntry(58282); t->Show(); te->Show();
std::cout << "\n"; t->GetEntry(75258); t->Show(); te->Show();
std::cout << "\n"; t->GetEntry(129681); t->Show(); te->Show();
std::cout << "\n"; t->GetEntry(134897); t->Show(); te->Show();
std::cout << "\n"; t->GetEntry(142955); t->Show(); te->Show();

In particular, carefully inspect tree “expressions” that you use for the index:

Hello @Wile_E_Coyote this is the print of these lines


oot [0] .x deltakinene.cpp
TFile**         B1/B1-build/B1.root
 TFile*         B1/B1-build/B1.root
  KEY: TTree    B1EventVariables;1      Relesed_energy
  KEY: TTree    B1Exitparticles;1       Exit_targets
  KEY: TTree    B1Enteringparticles;1   Entering_targets
  KEY: TTree    B1Enterinregengparticles;1      Entering_regen
  KEY: TTree    B1EnterinPhotonregengparticles;1        Entering_photon_regen
  KEY: TTree    B1Exitregengparticles;1 Exit_regen
  KEY: TTree    B1Scintparticles;1      Ent_scint
  KEY: TTree    B1Dummyparticles;1      Ent_Dummy
  KEY: TTree    B1ParticleNotInteracting;1      Part_not_inter
  KEY: TTree    B1ScintSecCreated;1     Sec_crated
  KEY: TTree    B1ScintOutparticles;1   Ent_scint
*    Row   * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintDire * ScintDire * ScintDire * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart * ScintPart *
*    58282 *       -11 * 0.2168374 * -0.497504 * -0.818652 * -0.286874 * 0.0803287 * -0.046046 * 0.1277309 * 0.5182913 * -96.62228 * -11.81035 * -292.8133 * -0.257852 * -0.424300 * -0.148684 * 1.0477402 * 1.2337446 *         6 * 233462618 *         2 * 1.534e+09 *
*    75258 *        11 * 0.5303339 * -0.364324 * 0.5221898 * -0.771093 * -0.212416 * -0.168336 * 0.4262683 * 0.9073335 * -118.7749 * -3.204063 * -283.6374 * -0.330563 * 0.4738003 * -0.699639 * 0.4413877 * -0.595264 *         5 * 314832492 *         2 * 1.299e+09 *
*   129681 *        11 * 0.2277688 * -0.145147 * 0.6590383 * -0.737970 * 0.1472122 * 0.0978483 * 0.1308536 * 0.5335334 * -117.6213 * 9.5662456 * -284.1152 * -0.077440 * 0.3516190 * -0.393732 * 0.1942052 * -0.728957 *         2 * 536567457 *         1 * -30345499 *
*   134897 *        11 * 0.1320172 * -0.331957 * 0.4768878 * -0.813868 * 0.1476853 * 0.0608789 * -0.300019 * 0.3903201 * -142.6222 * -19.92751 * -278.9924 * -0.129569 * 0.1861389 * -0.317669 * 0.3872769 * -0.530025 *         2 * 560809324 *         1 * -1.83e+09 *
*   142955 *        11 * 0.3659767 * -0.056925 * 0.7544665 * -0.653865 * -0.003181 * 0.0015342 * -299.1784 * 0.7127176 * -102.2086 * 9.7672174 * -290.4993 * -0.040571 * 0.5377216 * -0.466021 * 0.0868410 * -0.856709 *         2 * 596205684 *         1 * -79477014 *
==> 5 selected entries

======> EVENT:58282
 ScintParticleID = -11
 ScintParticleKinEn = 0.216837
 ScintParticleMomDir.x = -0.497505
 ScintParticleMomDir.y = -0.818652
 ScintParticleMomDir.z = -0.286875
 ScintParticleVert.x = 0.0803287
 ScintParticleVert.y = -0.046046
 ScintParticleVert.z = 0.127731
 ScintParticleTotMom = 0.518291
 ScintDirection.x = -96.6223
 ScintDirection.y = -11.8104
 ScintDirection.z = -292.813
 ScintParticleMom.x = -0.257852
 ScintParticleMom.y = -0.4243
 ScintParticleMom.z = -0.148685
 ScintParticleAng.x = 1.04774
 ScintParticleAng.y = 1.23374
 ScintParticleTrackID = 6
 ScintParticleEventID = 2.33463e+08
 ScintParticleParentID = 2
 ScintParticleTrackEvenID = 1.53438e+09
======> EVENT:56622
 ScintOutParticleID = -11
 ScintOutParticleKinEn = 1.09888
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.x = 0.7488
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.y = 0.0420661
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.z = 0.661459
 ScintOutParticleVert.x = 0.0803287
 ScintOutParticleVert.y = -0.046046
 ScintOutParticleVert.z = 0.127731
 ScintOutParticleTotMom = 1.52662
 ScintOutDirection.x = -94.7846
 ScintOutDirection.y = 4.2501
 ScintOutDirection.z = -294.158
 ScintOutParticleMom.x = 1.14314
 ScintOutParticleMom.y = 0.0642191
 ScintOutParticleMom.z = 1.0098
 ScintOutParticleAng.x = 0.847252
 ScintOutParticleAng.y = 0.0635104
 ScintOutParticleTrackID = 6
 ScintOutParticleEventID = 2.33463e+08
 ScintOutParticleParentID = 2
 ScintOutParticleTrackEventID = 1.53438e+09

======> EVENT:75258
 ScintParticleID = 11
 ScintParticleKinEn = 0.530334
 ScintParticleMomDir.x = -0.364324
 ScintParticleMomDir.y = 0.52219
 ScintParticleMomDir.z = -0.771094
 ScintParticleVert.x = -0.212416
 ScintParticleVert.y = -0.168337
 ScintParticleVert.z = 0.426268
 ScintParticleTotMom = 0.907334
 ScintDirection.x = -118.775
 ScintDirection.y = -3.20406
 ScintDirection.z = -283.637
 ScintParticleMom.x = -0.330563
 ScintParticleMom.y = 0.4738
 ScintParticleMom.z = -0.699639
 ScintParticleAng.x = 0.441388
 ScintParticleAng.y = -0.595264
 ScintParticleTrackID = 5
 ScintParticleEventID = 3.14832e+08
 ScintParticleParentID = 2
 ScintParticleTrackEvenID = 1.29988e+09
======> EVENT:73045
 ScintOutParticleID = 11
 ScintOutParticleKinEn = 1.03426
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.x = -0.51303
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.y = 0.562441
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.z = 0.648429
 ScintOutParticleVert.x = -0.212416
 ScintOutParticleVert.y = -0.168337
 ScintOutParticleVert.z = 0.426268
 ScintOutParticleTotMom = 1.45833
 ScintOutDirection.x = -104.965
 ScintOutDirection.y = -18.9706
 ScintOutDirection.z = -289.358
 ScintOutParticleMom.x = -0.748165
 ScintOutParticleMom.y = 0.820222
 ScintOutParticleMom.z = 0.94562
 ScintOutParticleAng.x = -0.669346
 ScintOutParticleAng.y = 0.714504
 ScintOutParticleTrackID = 5
 ScintOutParticleEventID = 3.14832e+08
 ScintOutParticleParentID = 2
 ScintOutParticleTrackEventID = 1.29988e+09

======> EVENT:129681
 ScintParticleID = 11
 ScintParticleKinEn = 0.227769
 ScintParticleMomDir.x = -0.145147
 ScintParticleMomDir.y = 0.659038
 ScintParticleMomDir.z = -0.737971
 ScintParticleVert.x = 0.147212
 ScintParticleVert.y = 0.0978483
 ScintParticleVert.z = 0.130854
 ScintParticleTotMom = 0.533533
 ScintDirection.x = -117.621
 ScintDirection.y = 9.56625
 ScintDirection.z = -284.115
 ScintParticleMom.x = -0.0774409
 ScintParticleMom.y = 0.351619
 ScintParticleMom.z = -0.393732
 ScintParticleAng.x = 0.194205
 ScintParticleAng.y = -0.728957
 ScintParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintParticleEventID = 5.36567e+08
 ScintParticleParentID = 1
 ScintParticleTrackEvenID = -3.03455e+08
======> EVENT:121499
 ScintOutParticleID = 11
 ScintOutParticleKinEn = 0.783508
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.x = 0.262339
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.y = 0.881681
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.z = -0.392196
 ScintOutParticleVert.x = 0.147212
 ScintOutParticleVert.y = 0.0978483
 ScintOutParticleVert.z = 0.130854
 ScintOutParticleTotMom = 1.18938
 ScintOutDirection.x = -118.74
 ScintOutDirection.y = -8.71132
 ScintOutDirection.z = -283.652
 ScintOutParticleMom.x = 0.312021
 ScintOutParticleMom.y = 1.04865
 ScintOutParticleMom.z = -0.46647
 ScintOutParticleAng.x = -0.589545
 ScintOutParticleAng.y = -1.15225
 ScintOutParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintOutParticleEventID = 5.36567e+08
 ScintOutParticleParentID = 1
 ScintOutParticleTrackEventID = -3.03455e+08

======> EVENT:134897
 ScintParticleID = 11
 ScintParticleKinEn = 0.132017
 ScintParticleMomDir.x = -0.331957
 ScintParticleMomDir.y = 0.476888
 ScintParticleMomDir.z = -0.813869
 ScintParticleVert.x = 0.147685
 ScintParticleVert.y = 0.060879
 ScintParticleVert.z = -0.30002
 ScintParticleTotMom = 0.39032
 ScintDirection.x = -142.622
 ScintDirection.y = -19.9275
 ScintDirection.z = -278.992
 ScintParticleMom.x = -0.12957
 ScintParticleMom.y = 0.186139
 ScintParticleMom.z = -0.317669
 ScintParticleAng.x = 0.387277
 ScintParticleAng.y = -0.530026
 ScintParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintParticleEventID = 5.60809e+08
 ScintParticleParentID = 1
 ScintParticleTrackEvenID = -1.83139e+09
======> EVENT:126894
 ScintOutParticleID = 11
 ScintOutParticleKinEn = 0.646364
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.x = -0.150265
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.y = 0.981525
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.z = 0.11844
 ScintOutParticleVert.x = 0.147685
 ScintOutParticleVert.y = 0.060879
 ScintOutParticleVert.z = -0.30002
 ScintOutParticleTotMom = 1.03844
 ScintOutDirection.x = -141.915
 ScintOutDirection.y = -21.1893
 ScintOutDirection.z = -279.465
 ScintOutParticleMom.x = -0.156042
 ScintOutParticleMom.y = 1.01926
 ScintOutParticleMom.z = 0.122994
 ScintOutParticleAng.x = -0.903287
 ScintOutParticleAng.y = 1.45071
 ScintOutParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintOutParticleEventID = 5.60809e+08
 ScintOutParticleParentID = 1
 ScintOutParticleTrackEventID = -1.83139e+09

======> EVENT:142955
 ScintParticleID = 11
 ScintParticleKinEn = 0.365977
 ScintParticleMomDir.x = -0.0569255
 ScintParticleMomDir.y = 0.754467
 ScintParticleMomDir.z = -0.653865
 ScintParticleVert.x = -0.00318105
 ScintParticleVert.y = 0.0015343
 ScintParticleVert.z = -299.178
 ScintParticleTotMom = 0.712718
 ScintDirection.x = -102.209
 ScintDirection.y = 9.76722
 ScintDirection.z = -290.499
 ScintParticleMom.x = -0.0405718
 ScintParticleMom.y = 0.537722
 ScintParticleMom.z = -0.466021
 ScintParticleAng.x = 0.0868411
 ScintParticleAng.y = -0.85671
 ScintParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintParticleEventID = 5.96206e+08
 ScintParticleParentID = 1
 ScintParticleTrackEvenID = -7.9477e+08
======> EVENT:134691
 ScintOutParticleID = 11
 ScintOutParticleKinEn = 0.93347
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.x = 0.63973
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.y = 0.675871
 ScintOutParticleMomDir.z = 0.365984
 ScintOutParticleVert.x = -0.00318105
 ScintOutParticleVert.y = 0.0015343
 ScintOutParticleVert.z = -299.178
 ScintOutParticleTotMom = 1.35106
 ScintOutDirection.x = -110.998
 ScintOutDirection.y = -10.5611
 ScintOutDirection.z = -286.859
 ScintOutParticleMom.x = 0.864315
 ScintOutParticleMom.y = 0.913143
 ScintOutParticleMom.z = 0.494468
 ScintOutParticleAng.x = 1.05115
 ScintOutParticleAng.y = 1.0745
 ScintOutParticleTrackID = 2
 ScintOutParticleEventID = 5.96206e+08
 ScintOutParticleParentID = 1
 ScintOutParticleTrackEventID = -7.9477e+08

I notice that most of them have a negative value of ScintOutParticleTrackEventID that is impossibile because in GEANT4 both the trackID and the eventID are defined using a counter starting from 0…

Try with:
te->BuildIndex("ScintParticleEventID", "ScintParticleTrackID * 1000 + ScintParticleParentID");

Unfortunately, as I wrote here

I get negative values also using

te->BuildIndex("ScintParticleEventID", "ScintParticleTrackID * 1000 + ScintParticleParentID");

Anyway, by this message:

I understand that branches should have integer values…
I simulated 6.2510^8 primary particles that is a number close to 2.110^9…so maybe the number of tracks is >2.1*10^9…could it be the reason of the problem?

Well, “6.25e8 < 2.1e9”, so using “ScintParticleEventID” as the “major” parameter should be fine.

Well, you will need to inspect these entries:

t->Scan("B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleKinEn:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleKinEn:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleEventID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleEventID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleParentID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleParentID:B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleTrackID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleTrackID", "B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleKinEn - B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleKinEn < -0.5");

This is the print

*    Row   * B1Scintpa * B1ScintOu * B1Scintpa * B1ScintOu * B1Scintpa * B1ScintOu * B1Scintpa * B1ScintOu * B1Scintpa * B1ScintOu *
*    58282 *       -11 *       -11 * 0.2168374 * 1.0988756 * 1.534e+09 * 1.534e+09 *         2 *         2 *         6 *         6 *
*    75258 *        11 *        11 * 0.5303339 * 1.0342621 * 1.299e+09 * 1.299e+09 *         2 *         2 *         5 *         5 *
*   129681 *        11 *        11 * 0.2277688 * 0.7835079 * -30345499 * -30345499 *         1 *         1 *         2 *         2 *
*   134897 *        11 *        11 * 0.1320172 * 0.6463635 * -1.83e+09 * -1.83e+09 *         1 *         1 *         2 *         2 *
*   142955 *        11 *        11 * 0.3659767 * 0.9334695 * -79477014 * -79477014 *         1 *         1 *         2 *         2 *
==> 5 selected entries

So you seem to get exactly the same events with the new “index” as with the old one.

That means that you now need to inspect these entries and find out why Geant4 gave you such results.

BTW. In the new “Scan” string, instead of “B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleTrackEvenID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleTrackEventID”, I wanted to show “B1Scintparticles.ScintParticleEventID:B1ScintOutparticles.ScintOutParticleEventID”.

Sorry for the late reply …
then I will try to check what happen by Geant!

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