Compilation using ROOT is failing

[quote=“mradul”]Hi tpochep…

There is one point I would like to bring to your attention. During some earlier compilation of another program, I was getting the error In member function TString MArgs::GetStringAndRemove(TString)': error: conversion fromint’ to `TString’ is ambiguous

After this error, I followed the previous posts of RootTalk ( Severe problem with TString in root_5.24.00) and the problem got rectified.

Now the present compilation problem is giving me some error. Do you think that this problem (last post) is a ROOT version related problem?


Hi, your Makefile does not work for me, so I can not even check what errors you have. File as it is - can be compiled, if your error is in

return TString(0);

  • this should work, since TString has ctor ‘explicit TString(Ssiz_t)’ //Ssiz_t == int and literal 0 - has type int.
    What’s you ROOT/compiler’s versions and what is exact error message ?