CMake project with custom libraries and python bindings

Hi @vvassilev, at the end i did several test, which possibly link to some LinkDef issue and header files i am using. I have not managed to get the NO_CXXMODULE configuration working and also the extra flags -cxxmodule-writeEmptyPCMFiles was not working

I ended up having something working fine proceeding as in the zip file for my reduced CMake project creating libraries and used inside python . (369.9 KB)

for each library i have i added #include in the LinkDef.h files for all headers
In each CMakeLists.txt i did

add_library(${PROJECT} SHARED ${SOURCES} G__${PROJECT}.cxx)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT} PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/inc)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT} PUBLIC ${PKG_LIBRARIES})

Then i set the PYTHONPATH to python/ folder where analysis folder contains an file which does some trick to get the modulemap and soft links done on the fly.
When analysis is imported i create all soft links on the fly and i os.chdir( BUILDDIRECTORY) where i also cat all the module.modulemap files and i soft link

*/*.pcm, */*.dylib

Everything seems working
in /build folder.
Then i cat */module.modulemap
I noticed that the crash happens if import ROOT as r is not executed in the path where the libraries exists.

I don’t know what would be an alternative to all this the only issue i am left with mograting from ROOT 6.18 to 6.22 is that with all those updates i still get a couple of warning in the python interaction :

from analysis import * 
#this is now prompting  this message 
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: warning: missing submodule 'roofit' [-Wincomplete-umbrella]
Failed to load module roofit

, however i can create a r.RooIpatia2() function which is expected to be defined inside my roofit extra library.

Ideally i would like to avoid to do the tricks you see in in python/analysis/ however i guess one has to maybe improve the LinkDef.h files, CMakeLists around and possibly refactor all the code.
Otherwise maybe i am missing something.
If in the script to import the libraries I don’t cd the path where the module map are located before doing import ROOT as r, i get the segfault and many more errors. I don’t know why.

To be clear on my setup :

$|=>root --version
ROOT Version: 6.22/07
Built for macosx64 on Dec 24 2020, 07:38:23
From heads/v6-22-00-patches@v6-22-06-5-g5e69c10422


Python 3.9.1 (default, Dec 17 2020, 10:08:12)
[Clang 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.27)] on darwin
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-- Detecting GSL
-- GSL_VERSION   = 2.6
-- GSL_INCLUDES  = /usr/local/Cellar/gsl/2.6/include
-- GSL_LIBRARIES = /usr/local/Cellar/gsl/2.6/lib/libgsl.dylib;/usr/local/Cellar/gsl/2.6/lib/libgslcblas.dylib
-- Detecting ROOT
-- ROOT_VERSION   = 6.22.99
-- ROOT_INCLUDES  = /Users/lpnhe/root_build/include
-- Detecting YAMLCPP
-- YAMLCPP_VERSION   = 0.6.2
-- YAMLCPP_INCLUDES  = /usr/local/include
-- YAMLCPP_LIBRARIES = /usr/local/lib/libyaml-cpp.dylib
-- Detecting BOOST
-- BOOST_VERSION   = 1.75.0
-- BOOST_INCLUDES  = /usr/local/include
-- BOOST_LIBRARIES = Boost::system;Boost::filesystem