This problem is due to the Windows 7. At last I moved to Windows 10. This issue is fixed. It seems that the Windows 7 is out-of-date.
I re-build git/master of ROOT v6.17. The re-build method is the same as I had posted here.
However a new problem troubled me!
When run a program, ROOT gives the following ERROR message:
root [0] .x DrawPulser.cpp
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module libMatrix_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module libHist_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module libGraf_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module libGpad_rdict.pcm
Error in TCling::RegisterModule: cannot find dictionary module libGui_rdict.pcm
I have checked that all of these *.pcm files is installed in $(ROOTSYS)lib .
Would you please kindly help me?
Thank you very much!