CheckByteCount and Streamer Error

It would require to compile the framework (note: C++17 ROOT needed)

rm -rf rest-framework
git clone rest-framework
cd rest-framework
python3 --latest --onlylibs --data
cd source/libraries/axion/data
git checkout master
git pull
cd ../../../../
mkdir build
cd build
make -j install 2>&1 | tee -a make.out.txt
source ../install/

The example you may use to produce the file (change the parameter eventsToProcess inside helioscope.rml in line 30 to only 10). Then:

cd rest-framework/source/libraries/axion/examples/full-ray-tracing
sed -i -e '{s/100000/10/}' helioscope.rml
restManager --c helioscope.rml --o output.root 2>&1 | tee -a restManager.out.txt
root -l -q -b output.root -e 'gFile->ls(); gFile->ShowStreamerInfo();'

You will see then how the Process objects do not appear inside ShowStreamerInfo(). To test a change on TRestAxionGeneratorProcess data members you may switch inside the submodule source/libraries/axion to the branch jgalan_axion_mass, recompile, then try to read the previous generated file.

However, if you run another example:

cd rest-framework/pipeline/trex/
restManager --c 01_raw.rml --f R01928_tagTest_Vm_250_Vd_160_Pr_6_Gain_0x0_Shape_0xF_Clock_0x4-068.aqs 2>&1 | tee -a restManager.out.txt
root -l -q -b RawData_01928.root -e 'gFile->ls(); gFile->ShowStreamerInfo();'

You will see how the generated output RawData_01928.root call to ShowStreamerInfo() contains all the TRestXYZProcess that were used.

I am afraid I cannot create a simplified code that reproduces the problem. I created an issue on our side: