CheckByteCount and Streamer Error

It seems the objects appear when invoking ShowStreamerInfo().

First test:

jgalan@sultan2:~/rest-framework$ restRoot
Warning in <UnknownClass::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
= Loading libraries ...
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/

Error in <TGClient::TGClient>: only one instance of TGClient allowed
root [0] TRestAxionGeneratorProcess axGen;
root [1] TFile *f = TFile::Open("manual_test.root", "RECREATE");
root [2] axGen.Write();
root [3] delete f;
root [4] .q
jgalan@sultan2:~/rest-framework$ restRoot
Warning in <UnknownClass::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
= Loading libraries ...
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/

Error in <TGClient::TGClient>: only one instance of TGClient allowed
root [0] TFile *f = TFile::Open("manual_test.root");
root [1] f->ShowStreamerInfo()
OBJ: TList	TList	Doubly linked list : 0

StreamerInfo for class: TNamed, version=1, checksum=0xdfb74a3c
  TObject        BASE            offset=  0 type=66 Basic ROOT object   
  TString        fName           offset=  0 type=65 object identifier   
  TString        fTitle          offset=  0 type=65 object title        

StreamerInfo for class: TRestAxionGeneratorProcess, version=3, checksum=0xa7ff3818
  TRestEventProcess BASE            offset=  0 type= 0                     
  TVector2       fAxionMassRange offset=  0 type=61 <                   
  double         fTargetRadius   offset=  0 type= 8 <                   
  TString        fGeneratorType  offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  int            fSeed           offset=  0 type= 3 <                   
  TVector2       fEnergyRange    offset=  0 type=61 <                   
  double         fTotalFlux      offset=  0 type= 8 <                   

StreamerInfo for class: TRestEventProcess, version=3, checksum=0x2513b303
  TRestMetadata  BASE            offset=  0 type= 0                     

StreamerInfo for class: TRestMetadata, version=9, checksum=0xe298dc45
  TNamed         BASE            offset=  0 type=67 The basis for a named object (name, title)
  TString        fVersion        offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  TString        fCommit         offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  TString        fLibraryVersion offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  bool           fOfficialRelease offset=  0 type=18 <                   
  bool           fCleanState     offset=  0 type=18 <                   
  string         fConfigFileName offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         fSectionName    offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         configBuffer    offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         messageBuffer   offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  bool           fError          offset=  0 type=18                     
  int            fNErrors        offset=  0 type= 3                     
  bool           fWarning        offset=  0 type=18                     
  int            fNWarnings      offset=  0 type= 3                     
  TString        fErrorMessage   offset=  0 type=65                     
  TString        fWarningMessage offset=  0 type=65                     

StreamerInfo for class: TVector2, version=3, checksum=0x89b7f4
  TObject        BASE            offset=  0 type=66 Basic ROOT object   
  double         fX              offset=  0 type= 8 components of the vector
  double         fY              offset=  0 type= 8                     
root [2] 

Second test:

jgalan@sultan2:~/rest-framework$ restRoot
Warning in <UnknownClass::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
= Loading libraries ...
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/

Error in <TGClient::TGClient>: only one instance of TGClient allowed
root [0] TRestAxionGeneratorProcess *axGen = new TRestAxionGeneratorProcess();
root [1] TFile *f = TFile::Open("manual_test.root", "RECREATE");
root [2] axGen->Write();
root [3] delete f;
root [4] delete axGen;
root [5] .q
jgalan@sultan2:~/rest-framework$ restRoot
Warning in <UnknownClass::SetDisplay>: DISPLAY not set, setting it to
= Loading libraries ...
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/
 - /home/jgalan/rest-framework/install/lib/

Error in <TGClient::TGClient>: only one instance of TGClient allowed
root [0] TFile *f = TFile::Open("manual_test.root");
root [1] f->ShowStreamerInfo()
OBJ: TList	TList	Doubly linked list : 0

StreamerInfo for class: TNamed, version=1, checksum=0xdfb74a3c
  TObject        BASE            offset=  0 type=66 Basic ROOT object   
  TString        fName           offset=  0 type=65 object identifier   
  TString        fTitle          offset=  0 type=65 object title        

StreamerInfo for class: TRestAxionGeneratorProcess, version=3, checksum=0xa7ff3818
  TRestEventProcess BASE            offset=  0 type= 0                     
  TVector2       fAxionMassRange offset=  0 type=61 <                   
  double         fTargetRadius   offset=  0 type= 8 <                   
  TString        fGeneratorType  offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  int            fSeed           offset=  0 type= 3 <                   
  TVector2       fEnergyRange    offset=  0 type=61 <                   
  double         fTotalFlux      offset=  0 type= 8 <                   

StreamerInfo for class: TRestEventProcess, version=3, checksum=0x2513b303
  TRestMetadata  BASE            offset=  0 type= 0                     

StreamerInfo for class: TRestMetadata, version=9, checksum=0xe298dc45
  TNamed         BASE            offset=  0 type=67 The basis for a named object (name, title)
  TString        fVersion        offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  TString        fCommit         offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  TString        fLibraryVersion offset=  0 type=65 <                   
  bool           fOfficialRelease offset=  0 type=18 <                   
  bool           fCleanState     offset=  0 type=18 <                   
  string         fConfigFileName offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         fSectionName    offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         configBuffer    offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  string         messageBuffer   offset=  0 type=300 ,stl=365, ctype=365,                     
  bool           fError          offset=  0 type=18                     
  int            fNErrors        offset=  0 type= 3                     
  bool           fWarning        offset=  0 type=18                     
  int            fNWarnings      offset=  0 type= 3                     
  TString        fErrorMessage   offset=  0 type=65                     
  TString        fWarningMessage offset=  0 type=65                     

StreamerInfo for class: TVector2, version=3, checksum=0x89b7f4
  TObject        BASE            offset=  0 type=66 Basic ROOT object   
  double         fX              offset=  0 type= 8 components of the vector
  double         fY              offset=  0 type= 8                     
root [2]