Boundary integral

Here’s the “proper solution”:

// Problem: integrate a two dimensional function "f(x,y)" using limits:
// "y" from 0 to 1 and "x" from "y" to 1.
// Solution: change the variable "x:[y, 1]" -> "t:[0, 1]" and
// then the integration goes from 0 to 1 in both dimensions.
// So "x = (1 - y) * t + y" and "dx/dt = (1 - y)".
// See also:
double f2(const double *X)
  double f = 0.0;
  double t = X[0]; // "t" (i.e. the original "x")
  double y = X[1]; // "y"
  double x = (1.0 - y) * t + y; // calculate new "x"
  // calculate the original function "f(x,y)"
  f = x * y; // f(x,y) = x * y
  // f = x * y * y; // f(x,y) = x * y^2
  f *= (1.0 - y); // multiply the result by "dx/dt"
  return f;

Just for reference: “Non-rectangular region integration