A shell script to automatically install ROOT on Ubuntu, Windows and MacOS operating systems

I think it’s hard to try to do and maintain a generic script**, even if it’s only Ubuntu --different versions of Ubuntu may have different requirements, since even package names change sometimes, e.g. a given tool being provided by a different package in a new version. Sure, dependencies are listed here, but you will need to check and perhaps update your script with every new ROOT version, and that’s without counting ‘unexpected’ needed stuff (I might be wrong and it’s not really unexpected, but see for example my second point below), which you would miss unless you follow the posts in this forum, or get these reports somehow. But it could be a convenient alternative for some users.
In any case, a couple of suggestions for your script (I don’t use GitHub, so I put them here):

  • In the Ubuntu section, you should do first sudo apt-get update and then upgrade, i.e. swap lines 137 and 138.
  • At least for WSL, maybe this should be added too: sudo apt-get install libgsl23 (see this post).
  • Minor suggestion: apt instead of apt-get, although that’s for Ubuntu >= 16.04

** I do have my own script to install all the packages and ROOT dependencies I usually want in my Ubuntu, but I always check it before using it on a fresh install, to catch any changes :slight_smile: