A question about Roounfolding cmake error

I tried to compile RooUnfold and got this cmake error: ROOT component Unfold not found.
I used root version: 6.28.00 windows msi installer
I also tried to compile root from sources under wsl ubuntu22 but got the same error
I hope somebody know what im doing wrong

Oh sorry.
But probobly you something about TUnfold, I found it in doc, but there are no classes and headers in root distr
root [3] #include <TUnfold.h>
ROOT_prompt_3:1:10: fatal error: ‘TUnfold.h’ file not found
#include <TUnfold.h>

The TUnfold classes are built if: root-config --has-xml

See: ${ROOTSYS}/tutorials/unfold/

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