1. error: expected ';' after expression OscCalculatorPMNS myProb; 2. error: use of undeclared identifier 'myProb' OscCalculatorPMNS myProb;



// #include
// #include

gROOT->ProcessLine(".L OscCalculatorPMNS.C+");

double x=0.0; //Energy

Bool_t isNOVA=false;
Bool_t isLBNE=false;//T2K if false

//input parameters
OscCalculatorPMNS myProb;
double myDeltam2=2.5;//change from 2.42
double myDeltam21=7.6;//change from 7.54
double myTheta12=0.60126;// this is radia   TMath::ASin(TMath::Sqrt(0.8704))/2
double myTheta23=0.7854;// TMath::ASin(TMath::Sqrt(1))/2

  //Set all parameters here


WIth ROOT 6, you need to remove this line from your macro and execute it before running your macro:
gROOT->ProcessLine(".L OscCalculatorPMNS.C+");

I removed the line from the code, but the error persists.

You need to load your library first, e.g.:

root [0] .L OscCalculatorPMNS.C+
root [1] .x SomeMacroWhichUsesIt.C
root [2] .x OtherMacroWhichUsesIt.C
1 Like

I did that and returns a new error

./numu2nue_pmnsinput.C:89:12: error: no member named ‘SetMixPMNS’ in 'OscCalculatorPMNS’

 double s12 = sin(myTheta12);
    double s23 = sin(myTheta23);
    double s13 = sin(myTheta13);
    double c12 = cos(myTheta12);
    double c23 = cos(myTheta23);
    double c13 = cos(myTheta13);
    fPMNSInput[0][0] =  c12*c13;
    fPMNSInput[0][1] =  s12*c13;
    fPMNSInput[0][2] =  s13*exp(-idelta);
    fPMNSInput[1][0] = -s12*c23-c12*s23*s13*exp(idelta);
    fPMNSInput[1][1] =  c12*c23-s12*s23*s13*exp(idelta);
    fPMNSInput[1][2] =  s23*c13;
    fPMNSInput[2][0] =  s12*s23-c12*c23*s13*exp(idelta);
    fPMNSInput[2][1] = -c12*s23-s12*c23*s13*exp(idelta);
    fPMNSInput[2][2] =  c23*c13;
**and the OscCalculatorPMNS.C code:** 

#include "OscCalculatorPMNS.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(void)

  : fMixDirty(true), fDmDirty(true), fPropDirty(true), fPrevAnti(0)


double OscCalculatorPMNS::P(int flavBefore, int flavAfter, double E)
  // PMNS fPMNS;

  const int anti = (flavBefore > 0) ? +1 : -1;
  assert(flavAfter/anti > 0);
  if(anti != fPrevAnti) fPropDirty = true;
  int i = -1, j = -1;
  if(abs(flavBefore) == 12) i = 0;
  if(abs(flavBefore) == 14) i = 1;
  if(abs(flavBefore) == 16) i = 2;
  if(abs(flavAfter) == 12) j = 0;
  if(abs(flavAfter) == 14) j = 1;
  if(abs(flavAfter) == 16) j = 2;
  assert(i >= 0 && j >= 0);

    SetMix(fTh12, fTh23, fTh13, fdCP);
    fMixDirty = false;
    SetDeltaMsqrs(fDmsq21, fDmsq32);
    fDmDirty = false;

  if(fPropDirty || E != fPrevE){
    // Assume Z/A=0.5
    const double Ne = fRho/2;
    PropMatter(fL, E, Ne, anti);
    fPropDirty = false;
    fPrevE = E;
    fPrevAnti = anti;

  return PFinal(i, j);

void OscCalculatorPMNS::DumpMatrix(const complex M[][3]) const
    <<"| "<<M[0][0]<<"\t"<<M[0][1]<<"\t"<<M[0][2]<<" |\n"
    <<"| "<<M[1][0]<<"\t"<<M[1][1]<<"\t"<<M[1][2]<<" |\n"
    <<"| "<<M[2][0]<<"\t"<<M[2][1]<<"\t"<<M[2][2]<<" |\n"


void OscCalculatorPMNS::PrintMix() const { this->DumpMatrix(fU); }


void OscCalculatorPMNS::SetMix(double th12, double th23, double th13, double deltacp) 
   int i, j;
  double  s12, s23, s13, c12, c23, c13;
  complex idelta(0.0,deltacp);
  s12 = sin(th12);  s23 = sin(th23);  s13 = sin(th13);
  c12 = cos(th12);  c23 = cos(th23);  c13 = cos(th13);
  fU[0][0] =  c12*c13;
  fU[0][1] =  s12*c13;
  fU[0][2] =  s13*exp(-idelta);
  fU[1][0] = -s12*c23-c12*s23*s13*exp(idelta);
  fU[1][1] =  c12*c23-s12*s23*s13*exp(idelta);
  fU[1][2] =  s23*c13;
  fU[2][0] =  s12*s23-c12*c23*s13*exp(idelta);
  fU[2][1] = -c12*s23-s12*c23*s13*exp(idelta);
  fU[2][2] =  c23*c13;
  // Compute derived forms of the mixing matrix
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      fUtran[i][j] = fU[j][i];
      fUstar[i][j] = conj(fU[i][j]);
      fUdagg[i][j] = conj(fU[j][i]);

/// Initialize the mixing matrix using the older form referenced by
/// the Barger et al paper
/// \warning This should not be used except for testing. Use SetMix
/// above.
void OscCalculatorPMNS::SetMixBWCP(double th1, double th2, double th3, double d) 
  int i, j;
  double s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3;
  complex id(0.0,d);
  s1 = sin(th1);  s2 = sin(th2);  s3 = sin(th3);
  c1 = cos(th1);  c2 = cos(th2);  c3 = cos(th3);
  fU[0][0] =  c1;
  fU[0][1] =  s1*c3;
  fU[0][2] =  s1*s3;

  fU[1][0] = -s1*c2;
  fU[1][1] =  c1*c2*c3+s2*s3*exp(id);
  fU[1][2] =  c1*c2*s3-s2*c3*exp(id);

  fU[2][0] = -s1*s2;
  fU[2][1] =  c1*s2*c3-c2*s3*exp(id);
  fU[2][2] =  c1*s2*s3+c2*c3*exp(id);

  // Compute derived forms of the mixing matrix
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      fUtran[i][j] = fU[j][i];
      fUstar[i][j] = conj(fU[i][j]);
      fUdagg[i][j] = conj(fU[j][i]);


void OscCalculatorPMNS::PrintDeltaMsqrs() const
    << std::endl;

/// Set the mass-splittings. These are m_2^2-m_1^2 and m_3^2-m_2^2 in
/// eV^2
void OscCalculatorPMNS::SetDeltaMsqrs(double dm21, double dm32) 
  double eps = 5.0E-9;
  double msqr[3];
  msqr[0] = 0.0;
  msqr[1] = dm21;
  msqr[2] = dm21+dm32;
  // Degeneracies cause problems with diagonalization, so break them
  // ever so slightly
  if (dm21==0.0) {msqr[0] -= 0.5*eps; msqr[1] += 0.5*eps; }
  if (dm32==0.0) {msqr[1] -= 0.5*eps; msqr[2] += 0.5*eps; }

  // Assign the mass splittings fdmsqr_ij = msqr_i - msqr_j by
  // convention
  for ( int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for ( int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      // A somewhat subtle point: Barger et al. refer to the sign of
      // m1-m2 being positive which implies dm^2_12>0 and
      // dm^2_21<0. The labeling in more common use is to assume m3 is
      // heaviest such that dm_12<0 and dm_21>0. Rather than reverse
      // all the indices in all the equations, flip the signs here.
      fdmsqr[i][j] = -(msqr[i] - msqr[j]);

/// Compute matrix multiplication A = B*C
void OscCalculatorPMNS::Multi(complex A[][3], const complex B[][3], const complex C[][3]) 
   int i, j, k;
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      A[i][j] = zero;
      for (k=0; k<3; ++k) {
	A[i][j] += B[i][k]*C[k][j];

/// Compute Equation 2, transition matrix for propagation through
/// vaccum, from Barger et al:
/// A(nua->nub) = sum_i U_ai exp(-1/2 i m_i^2 L/E) Udagg_ib
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn2(complex       A[][3],
		   const complex U[][3],
		   const complex Udagg[][3],
		   const double  dmsqr[][3],
		   double L,
		   double E) 
   int a, b, i;
  for (a=0; a<3; ++a) {
    for (b=0; b<3; ++b) {
      A[a][b] = zero;
      for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
	complex phase(0.0,-kK1*dmsqr[i][0]*L/E);
	A[a][b] += U[a][i]*exp(phase)*Udagg[i][b];

/// Compute Eqn. 5, the matter 2*E*Hamiltonian in the mass basis
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn5(complex       twoEH[][3],
		   const complex U[][3],
		   const complex Udagg[][3],
		   const double  dmsqr[][3],
		   double        E,
		   double        Gf,
		   double        Ne)
   int j, k;
  double       k2r2GNeE = kK2*2.0*M_SQRT2*Gf*Ne*(kGeV2eV*E);
  for (k=0; k<3; ++k) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      twoEH[k][j] = zero;
      if (k==j) twoEH[k][j] = dmsqr[j][0];
      twoEH[k][j] -= k2r2GNeE*U[0][j]*Udagg[k][0];

/// Compute Equation 10, the transition matrix for propagation across
/// matter slab of constant density, from Barger et al:
/// A = U * X * U^(dagger) for neutrinos
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn10(complex       A[][3],
		    const complex U[][3],
		    const complex X[][3],
		    const complex Udagg[][3])
  complex tmp[3][3];
  this->Multi(tmp, X, Udagg);
  this->Multi(A,   U, tmp);

/// Evaluate Eqn. 11, the Lagragne formula for the matrix e(-iHt),
/// from Barger et al.
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn11(complex X[][3],
		    double L,
		    double E, 
		    const complex twoEH[][3],
		    const double  Msqr[],
		    const double  dMsqr[][3]) 
  // The identity matrix
  static const double One[3][3] = {{1.,0.,0.},
   int a, b, k;
  complex phase;
  complex EHM0[3][3];
  complex EHM1[3][3];
  complex EHM2[3][3];
  complex EHM21[3][3];
  complex EHM20[3][3];
  complex EHM10[3][3];

  // There are three matrices which can apper inside the product on
  // j!=k. Calculate them before hand
  for (a=0; a<3; ++a) {
    for (b=0; b<3; ++b) {
      EHM0[a][b] = twoEH[a][b]-Msqr[0]*One[a][b];
      EHM1[a][b] = twoEH[a][b]-Msqr[1]*One[a][b];
      EHM2[a][b] = twoEH[a][b]-Msqr[2]*One[a][b];

  // Refer to Msqr_j as dMsqr[j][0] since only mass differences matter
  for (a=0; a<3; ++a) {
    for (b=0; b<3; ++b) {
      X[a][b] = zero;
      for (k=0; k<3; ++k) {
	phase = exp(complex(0.0,-kK1*dMsqr[k][0]*L/E));
	if (k==0) {
	  X[a][b] += (EHM21[a][b]/(dMsqr[k][2]*dMsqr[k][1]))*phase;
	else if (k==1) { 
	  X[a][b] += (EHM20[a][b]/(dMsqr[k][2]*dMsqr[k][0]))*phase;
	else if (k==2) {
	  X[a][b] += (EHM10[a][b]/(dMsqr[k][1]*dMsqr[k][0]))*phase;
	} // Switch for product on j!=k
      } // Sum on k
    } // Loop on b
  } // Loop on a

// Find the matter eigenvalues Msqr given the variables found in
// Eqn.22. This is Eqn.21 from Barger et. al.
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn21(double Msqr[],
		    double alpha,
		    double beta,
		    double gamma)
  double arg;      // Argument of the acos()
  double theta0;   // First of the three roots of acos()
  double theta1;   // Second of the three roots of acos()
  double theta2;   // Third of the three roots of acos()
  double fac;      // Factor in front of cos() terms
  double constant; // Offset for all eigenvalues
  static const double k2PiOver3 = 2.0*M_PI/3.0;
  double alpha2           = alpha*alpha;
  double alpha3           = alpha*alpha2;
  double alpha2Minus3beta = alpha2-3.0*beta;

  arg =
    (2.0*alpha3 - 9.0*alpha*beta + 27.0*gamma)/

  // Occasionally round off errors mean that arg wanders outside of
  // its allowed range. If its way off (1 part per billion), stop the
  // program. Otherwise, set it to its real value.
  if (fabs(arg)>1.0) {
    if (fabs(arg-1.0)>1.E-9) abort();
    if (arg<-1.0) arg = -1.00;
    if (arg>+1.0) arg = +1.00;
  // The three roots, find the first by computing the acos() the
  // others are nearby
  theta0 = acos(arg)/3.0;
  theta1 = theta0-k2PiOver3;
  theta2 = theta0+k2PiOver3;
  // The multiplier and offset
  fac      = -2.0*sqrt(alpha2Minus3beta)/3.0;
  constant = -alpha/3.0; // The constant offset m1^2 is irrelevant
  // And the eigenvalues themselves
  Msqr[0] = fac*cos(theta0) + constant;
  Msqr[1] = fac*cos(theta1) + constant;
  Msqr[2] = fac*cos(theta2) + constant;

/// Compute the values of the simplifying expressions alpha, beta, and
/// gamma. This is Eqn22 from the Barger et al paper
void OscCalculatorPMNS::EvalEqn22(double& alpha,
		    double& beta,
		    double& gamma,
		    double  E,
		    double  Gf,
		    double  Ne,
		    const double  dmsqr[][3],
		    const complex U[][3]) 
  // 2*sqrt(2)*Gf*Ne*E in units of eV^2
  double k2r2EGNe = kK2*2.0*M_SQRT2*Gf*Ne*(kGeV2eV*E);
  alpha = k2r2EGNe + dmsqr[0][1] + dmsqr[0][2];
  beta  =
    dmsqr[0][1]*dmsqr[0][2] + 
    k2r2EGNe*(dmsqr[0][1]*(1.0-norm(U[0][1])) + 

  gamma = k2r2EGNe*dmsqr[0][1]*dmsqr[0][2]*norm(U[0][0]);

/// Sort out the eigenvalues
void OscCalculatorPMNS::SortEigenvalues(double       dMsqr[][3],
			  const double dmsqr[][3],
			  const double MsqrVac[],
			  double       Msqr[]) 
  int i, j, k;
  double best, delta;
  double MsqrTmp[3] = {-99.9E9,-99.9E9,-99.9E9};
  int flg[3] = {0,0,0};

  // Attempt to figure out which of the eigenvalues match between
  // dmsqr and MsqrVac
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    best =  1.E30;
    k    = -1;
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      delta = fabs(MsqrVac[i] - dmsqr[j][0]);
      if (delta<best) { best = delta; k = j; }
    if (best>1.E-9) abort();
    if (k<0 || k>2) abort();
    flg[k] = 1;
    MsqrTmp[i] = Msqr[k];
  // Check that each eigenvalue is used
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) if (flg[i]!=1) abort();
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    Msqr[i] = MsqrTmp[i];
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      dMsqr[i][j] = (MsqrTmp[i] - MsqrTmp[j]);

/// Update the transition matrix for a step across the vacuum
void OscCalculatorPMNS::PropVacuum(double L, double E, int anti) 
   int i, j;
  complex A[3][3];
  complex Aout[3][3];

  if      (anti>0) this->EvalEqn2(A, fU,     fUdagg, fdmsqr, L, E);
  else if (anti<0) this->EvalEqn2(A, fUstar, fUtran, fdmsqr, L, E);
  else abort();
  this->Multi(Aout, A, fA);
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      fA[i][j] = Aout[i][j];

/// Update the transition matrix for a step across a slab of matter
void OscCalculatorPMNS::PropMatter(double L, double E, double Ne, int anti) 
  static const double  Gf = 1.166371E-5; // G_F in units of GeV^-2
   int i, j;
  complex twoEH[3][3];
  complex X[3][3];
  double  Msqr[3];
  double  MsqrV[3];
  double  dMsqr[3][3];
  double  alpha,  beta,  gamma;
  double  alpha0, beta0, gamma0;
  complex A[3][3];
  complex Aout[3][3];
  // Find the transition matrix. The series of steps are to:
  if (anti>0) {
    // [1] Find the matter Hamiltonian in the mass basis...
    this->EvalEqn5(twoEH, fU, fUdagg, fdmsqr, E, Gf, Ne);

    // [2] Find the eigenvalues and sort them.
    this->EvalEqn22(alpha, beta, gamma, E, Gf, Ne, fdmsqr, fU);
    this->EvalEqn21(Msqr,  alpha, beta, gamma);

    // Repeat the above, but for vacuum (Ne=0.0) to sort out the order
    // of the eigenvalues
    this->EvalEqn22(alpha0, beta0, gamma0, E, 0.0, 0.0, fdmsqr, fU);
    this->EvalEqn21(MsqrV, alpha0, beta0, gamma0);
    this->SortEigenvalues(dMsqr, fdmsqr, MsqrV, Msqr);

    // [3] Evaluate the transition matrix
    this->EvalEqn11(X, L, E, twoEH, Msqr, dMsqr);
    this->EvalEqn10(A, fU, X, fUdagg);
  else if (anti<0) {
    // As above, but make required substitutions for anti-neutrinos:
    // Gf=>-Gf, U=>Ustar, U^dagger=>U^dagger^*=U^T
    this->EvalEqn5(twoEH, fUstar, fUtran, fdmsqr, E, -Gf, Ne);
    this->EvalEqn22(alpha, beta, gamma, E, -Gf, Ne, fdmsqr, fUstar);
    this->EvalEqn21(Msqr,  alpha, beta, gamma);
    this->EvalEqn22(alpha0, beta0, gamma0, E, 0.0, 0.0, fdmsqr, fUstar);
    this->EvalEqn21(MsqrV, alpha0, beta0, gamma0);
    this->SortEigenvalues(dMsqr, fdmsqr, MsqrV, Msqr);
    this->EvalEqn11(X, L, E, twoEH, Msqr, dMsqr);
    this->EvalEqn10(A, fUstar, X, fUtran);
  else abort();
  // [4] Apply the transition matrix to the matrix we started with...
  this->Multi(Aout, A, fA);
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      fA[i][j] = Aout[i][j];

/// Do several layers in a row. L and Ne must have the same length
void OscCalculatorPMNS::PropMatter(const std::list<double>& L,
		      double                   E,
		      const std::list<double>& Ne,
		      int anti) 
  if (L.size()!=Ne.size()) abort();
  std::list<double>::const_iterator Li  (L.begin());
  std::list<double>::const_iterator Lend(L.end());
  std::list<double>::const_iterator Ni  (Ne.begin());
  for (; Li!=Lend; ++Li, ++Ni) {
    // For very low densities, use vacumm
    static const double kRhoCutoff = 1.0E-6; // Ne in moles/cm^3
    if (*Ni<kRhoCutoff) this->PropVacuum(*Li, E, anti);
    else                this->PropMatter(*Li, E, *Ni, anti);

/// Reset the transition matrix back to the identity matrix from where
/// it starts
void OscCalculatorPMNS::Reset() 
   int i, j;
  for (i=0; i<3; ++i) {
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j) {
      if (i==j) fA[i][j] = one;
      else      fA[i][j] = zero;

/// Compute oscillation probability from flavor i to flavor j
/// 0 = nue, 1 = numu, 2 = nutau
double OscCalculatorPMNS::PFinal(int i, int j) const
  assert(i>=0 && i<3);
  assert(j>=0 && j<3);
  return norm(fA[i][j]);

The “OscCalculatorPMNS::SetMixPMNS” method is not defined in your “OscCalculatorPMNS.C” file.
Check the “OscCalculatorPMNS.h” file (all available methods should be declared there).

From your “OscCalculatorPMNS.C” file, remove:

int main(void)

BTW. See “code tags” in: Posting code? Read this first!

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