X11 problem

Well, for the moment I have no idea … let’s try the usual way …

  1. have a look into the “make.out.txt” file and check that there are no errors reported (it’s a long file so try to execute something like “grep make make.out.txt” -> this should give you any lines with make errors, if present, and try “tail make.out.txt” and see if there’s the “ROOT BUILD SUCCESSFUL.” message present)
  2. attach three files: “config.status”, “config.log” and “configure.out.txt”
  3. run “source /…/bin/thisroot.sh” and then post the output of:
    root-config --version
    root-config --arch
    root-config --platform
    root-config --config
    root-config --features
  4. follow two posts:
    [url]ROOT - No graphical output shown
    [url]ROOT - No graphical output shown