Updating to new Root versions

From my experience …

  1. for the ROOT binary distribution, you need (up to) about 230MB disk space - so, if you want to install it in your “${HOME}”, you will need at least that much free space
  2. In order to build ROOT from sources, you temporarily need (up to) about 640MB disk space - you can use, for example, the free disk space in “/tmp” (just try “df -h /tmp” in order to see how much space is free in there, or try “/usr/tmp”, or “/var/tmp”, or any available “scratch disk”) and follow my initial post in: [url]Installing ROOT from Source
    BTW. as of now, “trunk” is v5-33 while v5-32 is “v5-32-00-patches”: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/root-version-v5-32-00-patch-release-notes