TTree with a vector<user defined class>

Maybe you’re missing a proper: $(DDIR)/Dictionnary.cpp: $(HEADERS) LinkDef.h where the “LinkDef.h” file is something like: [code]#ifdef MAKECINT

#pragma link off all typedefs;
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all functions;
#pragma link off all classes;

#pragma link C++ nestedclass;
#pragma link C++ nestedtypedef;

#pragma link C++ class Point+;
#pragma link C++ class Particle+;
#pragma link C++ class std::vector+;

#endif /* MAKECINT */[/code]
See also [url]Simple way to create and merge shared libraries? for some additional neat Philippe’s notes concerning “ClassDef” / “ClassImp” / “TObject inheritance”.