Spherical harmonics

I’ve just been able to “reproduce” the (more than two years old) https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-4508 bugs without any problems with ROOT 5.34/18 (actually “heads/v5-34-00-patches@v5-34-18-531-g9e42712”).

  1. Execute the unchanged original macro from [url]Problem with logarithmic X/Y axes with TNtuple then try “h->GetNbinsX()” and/or “h->GetNbinsY()” -> you will get 20, while you should have got 100.
  2. Edit the original macro from [url]Problem with logarithmic X/Y axes with TNtuple and comment out BOTH lines “h->Get[XY]axis()->SetLimits([xy]min, [xy]max);” then execute the modified macro and you will immediately see that 3 points with X <= 1 are missing in the canvas.

BTW. I tried this macro with the newest ROOT 6.00/01. If I enable the line “Double_t xmin = 0.01, xmax = 50, ymin = 0.01, ymax = 50;” (just change the first “#if 0” into “#if 1”), I immediately get “*** Break *** segmentation violation”.