Saving Canvas in Tex awesome! But long compiling time

Yes Jean you are right that is exactly how Gnuplot works.
I was also reading this talk [url]Plot mode similar to gnuplot’s epslatex and I realized it is an old discussion. I believe that something like epslatex ouput would be nice, it has not to work in the gnuplot way, but a LaTeX friendly out should be implemented, the (.tex) output is also nice but is like spend unreasonable compiling time just to produce an “infinity” resolution image, that even the eyes can not distinguish.

I use ROOT for the data analysis and Gnuplot for the plots, however when the plots depends of the analysis parameters, the work becomes harder and tricky ( for example, I did a program that compares two similar shape experimental data draws but with different height and width, basically it makes an axis scaling based in the maximun and the FWHM, but it have to print the actual axis for both draws which depends of the scale parameters. A more simple example is just draw a legend with the number of entries and the mean.). In this cases I prefer print the Canvas.

Andres Navarro.