Root freeze problem

You can try three things …

  1. If you use a “Ubuntu 14.04 / x86_64” then try the ROOT “binary distribution”: Release 6.04/06 - 2015-10-13 … simply download the root_v6.04.06.Linux-ubuntu14-x86_64-gcc4.8.tar.gz file and unpack it … then execute “source /Where/It/Is/Unpacked/bin/” and in the same terminal window run your macro (I tested this “binary distribution” on my machine and it worked for your macro).

  2. Try to build the newest ROOT 6.06.00 using my instructions here: Root-6.06.00 on Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit

  3. This is a bit stupid idea, but check your “limits” … it is possible that you exceed something:
    [bash]$ ulimit -S -a
    [bash]$ ulimit -H -a
    [tcsh]$ limit
    [tcsh]$ limit -h
    And check your “disk quota” if you have any (and the overall “free disk space” using “df -h”).