Reading vector<vector<string> > *Variable

Hi Rooters
I am trying to read a variable vector<vector > *trig_L1_jet_thrNames which is defined in header file when I use MakeClass() for an ntuple.

I assume that there are as many rows as there are jets in an event. And then for each jet, there is a vector of strings stored.
Here is the piece of code:

                for ( int i = 0; i < trig_L1_jet_n; i++ )
                        for ( int j = 0; j < (int) trig_L1_jet_thrNames[1].size(); j++ )
                        cout<<"i="<<i<<"   j="<<j<<"   STRING="<< trig_L1_jet_thrNames->at(i).at(j)<<"      ";

The problem is that it doesn’t print anything at all though the screen keeps on scrolling down as if it is writing something invisible.

No errors reported as well.

Try: if (trig_L1_jet_thrNames) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < trig_L1_jet_thrNames->size(); i++) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < (trig_L1_jet_thrNames->at(i)).size(); j++) { std::cout << "i=" << i <<" j=" << j <<" STRING=" << (trig_L1_jet_thrNames->at(i)).at(j) << std::endl; } } } else { std::cout << "Warning: trig_L1_jet_thrNames is NULL." << std::endl; }
For “std::vector<std::vector >” see [url]Storing 2D vector [--> vector<vector<...> >] into a TTree
For “std::vector<std::vectorstd::string >” see [url]Problem in getting the vector < vector <string> > branch