qtRoot and Qt V4.7.0 with qtCreator 2.01

The TQtWidget class is a full-fledged regular QWidget doc.trolltech.com/4.7/qwidget.html
It should be enough to integrate the TQtWidget into any Qt4-application. There is no special step / approach / method beyond what is already described by Qt documentation.
See: doc.trolltech.com/4.7/designer-u … ng-widgets
Qt Designer: adding TQtWidget

The QtRoot distribution kit that is available to download from root.bnl.gov/QtRoot/How2Install4Unix.html ) includes the bunch of the short working “HelloWorld”-level examples covering all known use cases.
Please download the kit, build and run the examples.
What about the formal documentation. As far as I know the person who tested and documented the Qt layer at CERN, namely, Ilka Antcheva, left the project. I am not aware whether anybody else took over her role as far as Qt layer is concern.
Have you any concrete question / trouble / obstacle ?
Please join the lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/qt-root-l . You are welcome .