Printing a TMatrix to a text file?

Hi All,

I construct an actual TMatrixD by simply grabbing information out of a histogram. (I realize that its kinda the same thing)

But when I do something like this:

TFile f("MyRootFile.root");;
ofstream myout;"MyFile.txt");

TMatrixD MyMatrix(8,27);

for (Int_t row=1;row<9;row++)
       for (Int_t column=1;column<28;column++)
            }//end of loop over columns
     }//end of loop over rows



It simply prints the matrix and does not write it into the file? Can anyone help with this?

thanks in advance,



this topic should be of interest for your case [Writing output of Print to a file however I am not able to reproduce that output…

[code]root [0] gSystem->Load(“”);
root [1] TMatrixD MyMatrix(8,27);
root [2] for (Int_t row=1; row<9; row++) { for (Int_t column=1;column<28;column++) { MyMatrix[row-1][column-1] = row*100+column; } }
root [3] MyMatrix.Print();>>MyFile.txt

8x27 matrix is as follows

 |       0    |       1    |       2    |       3    |       4    |

0 | 101 102 103 104 105
1 | 201 202 203 204 205

// etc etc

6 | 726 727
7 | 826 827

Error: G__getvariable: expression (tmpfile):1:
Error: Symbol MyFile is not defined in current scope (tmpfile):1:
Error: Failed to evaluate MyFile.txt
*** Interpreter error recovered ***
root [4][/code]