Help on Method/s to create Tree from multi-fold gamma-ray coincidence data

I understand that you want to make your “his2D” histogram “symmetric”. I just say that you should maybe care about the “statistics” of your histogram, too (unless you do not need / use it afterwards at all). If you use the same pair twice, your “statistics” is artificially increased (doubled). So, you either should fill the histogram explicitly setting the “weight = 0.5” (i.e. his2D->Fill(x, y, 0.5);), or you should “scale” the histogram by a factor 0.5 afterwards (i.e. his2D->Scale(0.5);).

Well, I assume that your “Eclab” values come from some kind of an ADC converter so they are actually “discrete integer values”. I guess the real “average signal height” value for every ADC channel should be increased by the half of the ADC channel’s width (i.e. 0.5). This is not strictly needed of course. It’s up to you if you want to apply this correction.

There exists, however, some problem with bins’ edges calculation in ROOT (coming from floating point “rounding errors”) which you can easily overcome if you add some small “shift” to the integer ADC values. This “shift” does not need to be 0.5 of course. A small value like 1.e-6 (or even 1.e-9) would be sufficient:

double x = (Eclab[j] + 1.e-6), y = (Eclab[k] + 1.e-6);

In general, a TH3 histogram uses at least (nbins_x + 2) * (nbins_y + 2) * (nbins_z + 2) * bytes_per_cell bytes (or the double of this amount if TH1::Sumw2 is effective).
So, for a “cubic” TH3F (a “single-precision floating-point” value uses 4 bytes) and nbins_x = nbins_y = nbins_z = 2048 this would be at least 32GB (or 64GB) RAM.

However, because ROOT uses “Int_t” (32 bit signed integer) values for “global bin” numbers, you must make sure that (nbins_x + 2) * (nbins_y + 2) * (nbins_z + 2) <= 2147483647 (e.g. that would be nbins_x = nbins_y = nbins_z <= 1288).

That said, for CubDim = 512, your “his3D” will use at least 518MB (or 1.01GB) RAM.

Try to check:
[bash]$ ulimit -S -a
[bash]$ ulimit -H -a
[tcsh]$ limit
[tcsh]$ limit -h
and make sure that you do not exceed any limits.

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