Error in <TTree::Branch> with a vector of vectors

A brutal fix …
… assuming that the class’es source code file is “MyClass.cxx”, execute: echo 'gROOT->LoadMacro("MyClass.cxx++"); gSystem->Exit(0);' | root -b -l -n … or … root -b -l -n <<EOF .L MyClass.cxx++ .q EOF This will (hopefully) create a “” shared library file (it should include the class’es dictionary and all “#pragma link C++” related ones as well). Add this “” shared library file (you can also rename it into something like a “”, if you like) to the link command line instead of the “MyClass.o” file (no need to compile the “MyClass.cxx” file itself separately at all).

See also [url]Compile a macro without running? and [url]Peoblems with passing bash script arguments