Cannot install ROOT. Make problem?

Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve given it a shot below. In general I do not agree with the message conveyed by these type of statements that “CMake is preferred”. What is the purpose of dragging autoconf, or any portion of a code that is “not preffered”, around if it broken? I believe it should either be repaired or removed. By using cmake it does not resolve the original problem reported with autoconf, but bypasses it. I’ll continue explaining what occurred with cmake, but the autoconf issue has not changed.

I have attempted to use CMake and the process starts and cmake finishes with no errors.
After running make I encounter a compile error:

[ 47%] Generating G__IO.cxx, ../../lib/libRIO.rootmap
input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>

I’ve already checked that I have all the required dependencies listed on (Shouldn’t cmake have caught it if I had missed one?)

This new problem is a similar issue to that posted in [url]Fatal error modified `<new>`